SERVICES - Vibrational Treatments

Lucy uses the various modalities she has studied along with her intuitive and psychic abilities in her vibrational healing sessions to self empower her clients.

Astro-Chakra Synergy Healing

Hands are used on and around the body to direct healing energy to clear blockages and create balance. Working on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies using planetary energies, crystals, colour symbols and energy enhancement techniques to support the body in self-healing.

This technique works on a very high pure vibrational frequency as an acceleration and ascension tool. For more information visit the Astro-Chakra website.

Crystal Healing

Crystals are laid on and around the body to transmit energy to revitalise and aid healing. Relaxation occurs as Chakras are aligned and blockages cleared thus creating balance.

Sevenstar Treatment

The Sevenstar moves energy in the body, clears blockages and re-balances the energy. Sevenstars can also be purchased to be worn or for use at home.

Vibrational Essences

These drops are used to aid and complement a treatment or can be purchased following a spiritual counselling session.